With MicroEJ Companion you have the possibility to add any feature upgrade to your IoT devices from your phone; this can be a new:

  • communication protocol,
  • cloud connector,
  • functionality (calculator, time, calendar, etc),
  • service

The update will be a new application pushed/downloaded with a phone from MicroEJ Store to your IoT devices.
In this example, a smart thermostat application is pushed on the STM32 board then a new feature providing cloud connectivity.

MicroEJ Companion characteristics :

  • allows to manage a secure connection between the smartphone and a store (MicroEJ Store, NXP Smart Store…)
  • manages the authentication and pairing of one or more boards to a store
  • can connect the electronic board to Bluetooth or local network (LAN)
  • offers a list of applications and services compatible with the user board and allows to download them
  • gives the possibility to control the apps installed on your IoT device: install, start, stop, uninstall; without any reset.



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Additional Resources

Alexa-Compatible Smart Home


MicroEJ’s Alexa-Compatible Smart Home Demo on the STM32F748 Discovery Kit


[DEMO] Wifi Smart Thermostat with ESP32, AWS and MicroEJ

Upgrade your IoT connectivty to the Cloud


Securely connect your sensors to the Cloud with MicroEJ