Accelerate IoT Development With MicroEJ for the Sony Spresence Board

Sony Spresense hexacore microcontroller development board launched last year with support for both the Arduino Ide as well as the C-based Spresense SDK. Now, MicroEJ provides developers with Java support for Sony Spresense through their Virtual Execution Environment (VEE).

The Sony Spresense board is a unique combination of computing power and power efficiency, and now Java developers can create solutions using its key features:

  • Multicore programming (ARM® Cortex®-M4F x 6 cores / 156 MHz)
  • Built-in GPS including antenna
  • Hi-res audio output, MP3 decoding support
  • Extensive power efficiency with advanced power management for battery use cases
  • SD card support
  • Java simulator (VEE Virtual Device) where you can pre-develop software for Spresense independently of the hardware
  • Application portability, with means developers can reuse GUI/IoT/Security or application layers on multiple embedded systems

By using the MicroEJ VEE, developers can run applications in a secure Virtual Execution Environment (VEE) that ensures the application integrity by isolating the user code from the rest of the (sub)system – ensuring an optimal and safe RAM management.

All documentation and developer tools for using Sony Spresense with any of the programming languages are available for free. The Spresense developer web site provides guides and support for the Arduino IDE and the Spresense SDK. To use Java with Spresense, please visit our Spresense partner MicroEJ where you find the Getting started guide for Spresense, and a brand new Weather station demo based on the Spresense hardware.

Watch the Sony’s Spresense Weather Demo below



Additional Resources


Get Started with MICROEJ VEE for Sony Spresence Development Board on our dev website

MICROEJ VEE software container for embedded systems


Discover MICROEJ VEE applications container for embedded systems