How Smart Meter Design Flexibility Improves and Optimizes DER Management

In the current energy consumption landscape, the need for sustainable solutions has become increasingly urgent, driven by rising living costs and environmental concerns. This has sparked a significant transition towards cleaner power sources and electric mobility, with renewable energy sources at the forefront of this shift.

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Exploring Gen AI Potential and Concerns for Software Development

Generative AI, represented by the skyrocketing popularity of tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, has firmly established itself as the fastest-growing technological marvel in history. With business magnates increasingly prioritizing innovation, revenue growth, and operational efficiency, it comes as no surprise that a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Grammarly in May 2023 revealed a staggering statistic: 97% of organizations are poised to integrate generative AI into their systems within the next two years.

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Why the Software-Defined Approach Is Disrupting the IoT World

Discover how the evolution of IoT devices from basic functions to interconnected powerhouses is reshaping our world. Uncover the pivotal role of software-defined approaches in driving innovation, flexibility, and interoperability, propelling the IoT industry into a realm of boundless possibilities.

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MicroEJ and Greenly New Study Reveals IoT Device Design’s Environmental Impact

In our quest for technological advancement, the environmental impact of IoT devices often goes unnoticed. While the carbon footprint of smartphones has faced scrutiny, the carbon footprint of IoT devices remains largely unexamined. A recent study by Greenly and MicroEJ sheds light on this issue, marking the first comprehensive assessment of IoT device carbon emissions, especially focusing on the impact of greener software.

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IoT and Sustainability – Why Green Software is the Key to More Sustainable and Profitable Innovations (Part 2)

IoT device designs that are overspecified with powerful electronic components and high-energy-consuming operating systems significantly add to carbon emissions. With a mandate to reach zero carbon footprint and with a prediction that the number of connected devices are likely to hit 30 billion by 2030, manufacturers are increasingly seeking out and adopting sustainable designs that reduce the environmental footprint of their products.

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[PODCAST EE Journal] The Future of Embedded Systems: Sustainability, Containerization and Servitization

In today’s fast-paced technological world, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve in the embedded systems industry.

In this podcast episode, Amelia Dalton from EE Journal interviews Semir Haddad, our Chief Product and Strategy Officer, on the current and future biggest influences of embedded systems development.
Semir highlights the two major trends that are impacting the embedded systems industry: sustainability, containerization and servitization.

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WHITE PAPER: Software Factory for Embedded Systems

Smart devices development is one of the fastest growing areas of computing. But as the market grows, so does the sophistication of the devices, which highlights the great weaknesses of rigid development methods. The fact is, legacy development methods are simply too slow for today’s competitive market. In this White Paper, find out how to turn your software into your most powerful asset and enable x3 faster product launches through real-life client cases.

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